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Isuzu Jr high school choral club

The choir club has been active since the school was founded and has won various national competitions. In addition to participating in competitions, we also interacts with the local community and performs at the cultural festivals of the elementary schools in the school district and at the opening ceremonies of events held by Ise City and Mie Prefecture. The members of the club make it their motto to understand the scene of the music and express it with concrete images. We are always grateful for the support we receive from so many people, and we practice hard every day, aiming to sing songs that will reach the hearts of our listeners while feeling the joy and fun of singing.
Conductor Kazuko Kawamata

Born and lives in Ise City, Mie Prefecture. After graduating from Musashino Academia Musicae in 1977 with a degree in piano from the Department of Instrumental Music, she worked for 44 years as a junior high school teacher in Mie Prefecture. At Isuzu Junior High School in Ise City, she worked for 16 years as a music teacher, teaching music classes and leading the chorus club, before retiring last year. This year, she is teaching the chorus club as an outside instructor. Her enthusiasm and love for teaching have earned her the trust of her students, parents, and colleagues. Every year, she enthusiastically participates in various choral competitions, and has led the junior high school chorus club to participate in the National Choral Competition six times. She also presides over her own choir, Sorciere, and is active in local choral activities with her students and graduates as members.
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