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The Little singers of IZUMI

The choir was founded in 1994 as an extracurricular class at Tokyo Izumi Kindergarten. It debuted as the youngest choir with an average age of 6 years old. It has 227 members, ranging in age from 4 to 15, who have received "Music Step music education”. They value the beautiful sound of high tone without shouting and aim for rich expression. They have won the Gold Prize at the Tokyo Vocal Ensemble Contest, and the Aozora Prize at the All Japan Junior Chorus Festival five times in a row. In 2002, they performed at the Silk Road Concert, inviting the late Prince Takamado and ambassadors of various countries. In 2004, they received the "Music Education Promotion Award" sponsored by the Mainichi Newspapers. They have made four concert tours to Poland, which have been very successful. They have also given concerts at Tokyo Opera City and Tokyo Bunka Kaikan Main Hall, and will give their fifth concert in Poland next May.


Conductor Naoto Sugimoto

She graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University. She studied piano under Mari Miyamoto and Mitsuzo Kusakabe.
She has been involved in music education for young children, and in 1994 she founded the Izumi MS Childhood Choir for kindergarten and early elementary school children.
Currently, as a conductor, she teaches 227 children.
In 2002, her activities caught the attention of the Polish ambassador to Japan, and she was invited to perform with performers from around the world and to make four more trips to Poland.
I would like to share with you the crystal-clear voices of small children.


一般社団法人 東京国際合唱機構














一般社団法人 日本合唱指揮者協会


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