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Choeur Premier
Choeur Premier

Graduates of the chorus club in Matsudo City Dai-ichi junior high school formed "Chouer Premier" in January 2018. "Premier" means "the first" in French. The members are comprised of the youth including high school students and university students. We practice in Chiba, Japan and participate in chorus festivals and contests mainly. In March 2021, we received a Gold prize and won the first place in the 14th National Vocal Ensemble Contest in Japan.
Kazunobu Kurokawa

Kazunobu Kurokawa was born in 1979 and raised in Chiba. After graduating in music education from Chiba University, he earned a B.A. in vocal music and an M.A. with music education in Tokyo University of the Arts. He has studied vocal music under Michio Tatara and Akiya Fukushima, conducting technique under Masamitu Takashina and Hidekazu Himoto, and voice training under Takashi Nagata. He is the chief director of Matsudo Choral Federation. He is also currently board member of the Chiba Choral Association, as well as a member of the Japan Choral Directors Association and Japan Vocalization Association.
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