Family Chorus "Zozas"

Formed in December 2002 (at that time, eldest son 3rd grade, eldest daughter 2nd grade). In 2004, the 19th National Nursery Rhyme Singing Contest Family Category Gold Award (1st place). In 2010, at the 3rd National Vocal Ensemble Contest, the judges praised the group as "this is the starting point of chorus" and "a miraculous family", and won the "Judge's Special Award". Afterwards, invited performance at ALTY Vocal Ensemble Festival 2011 (Kyoto City), solo concert at Plava Fureai Concert 2012 (Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture), 2nd Vocal Ensemble Competition in Kitakyushu (2013) Gold Prize, Kitakyushu Mayor Award, Nagasaki Prefecture Vocal Ensemble Festival 20th Anniversary Concert (2014) Invited performance, 9th National Vocal Ensemble Contest General Category Silver Award.
Held three concerts in Kumamoto (2006, 2011, 2016).
They are energetically developing their activities, focusing on harmonies that make the most of their family's unique voice quality and singing in "beautiful Japanese" in particular. The YouTube channel has over 1.2 million views as of the end of 2022.
Mamoru Zoza

He participated in the All Japan Chorus Competition National Tournament for the first time. In 2012, he won the Gold Award at the 65th All Japan Chorus Competition National Convention. Formed "Kirari" in 2014.
In 1999, he served as an announcer for the opening and closing ceremony at the Kumamoto Future National Athletic Meet, and spent more than two years studying Japanese and announcements. Currently, he is the Vice President of the Kumamoto Prefectural Chorus Federation, Kosa Green Harmony, Kumamoto Prefectural Office Chorus, Kirari Conductor, presided over the family chorus "Zozas", and a member of the Kumamoto Prefectural Cultural Association.