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Paduan Suara El - Shaddai Universitas Sumatera Utara
Paduan Suara El - Shaddai University of North Sumatra

Paduan Suara El - Shaddai,University of North Sumatra of was established in 1996. Until now, El-Shaddai Choir continues to achieve and improve quality with discipline, hard work, cooperation and good management in order to stay exist, upgrading and even play a role in voicing social issues and introducing Indonesian culture to the world. El-Shaddai Choir participates in many activities that support the quality of the choir, such as participating in competitions like The 4th Tokyo International Choir Competition 2022, Grand Prix Of Nation Riga Ltvia 2017, and many more.. This chour also held concerts and workshops. The aim is to contribute in building young generation charachter through choir.
Rudolf Aristeus Nababan

Rudolf Aristeus Nababan graduated from science (Mathematics - Faculty of Mathematics and Science) at the University of North Sumatra He joined the El-Shaddai Choir since 1998 until now. Throughout his journey in choral singing, he has made many achievements, including leading the El - Shaddai Choir in The 6th World Choir Games 2010, Shaoxing-China and successfully bringing this choir to become The Winner of Category. In July 2017 he brought the El-Shaddai choir to the Grand Prix of Nations competition in Riga-Latvia and get two gold medals. In July 2022 led the el shaddai choir to get achievements while competing in the 4th Tokyo International Choir Competition in Japan as well as other national and international level competitions. Apart from being a conductor, he is also often asked to be a judge at choir competitions at regional and national.
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