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yamagata prefectural yamagata east high school


We are the music club of Yamagata Higashi High School. Yamagata Prefecture is located about 300 kilometers north of Tokyo. Yamagata Prefecture is rich in nature, with four vibrant seasons, delicious fruits and rice, magnificent mountains, and the Mogami River, our mother river. We have to fight against invisible rivals for higher education at school and live in what is called an ultra-information society and competitive society. We are losing sight of the richness of our hearts and minds without even knowing it. Therefore, through our music, we sing about the richness of nature, sometimes in the lovely spring flowers, and sometimes in the silence of a summer night. Together with our like-minded club members, we sing about our once-in-a-lifetime, irreplaceable youth. We sing for that this time will last forever. We hope that someday a peaceful spring will greet us.

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