Ladies Singers Sophia

We are a women's chorus group in Osaka.
The group is a member of "the Kansai Koyukai,"
The name of the group, "Sophia," which has a light and beautiful sound, means wisdom and intelligence,
and is also a symbol of our sincere desire for choral music.
We are working together with our conductor, Ms. Yuri Sugita, to create beautiful harmony
with a resonant and honest voice, placing importance on the feeling of enjoying singing.
The group was founded in 2013.
During The Corona Disaster had been practicing remotely
and taking thorough measures to prevent infections.
We has continued to practice.
In 2023, the group celebrated its 10th anniversary, and in October of the same year,
the second regular concert was held as the "10th Anniversary Concert.
In2015The 1st KansaiKoyukai Concert (Osaka), the 8th Koyukai Concert (Tokyo),
and the 8th Karuizawa International Chorus Festival (Karuizawa),
the 10th Nara Vocal Ensemble Contest (Silver Prize),
the 77th Kansai Chorus Contest (Bronze Prize)
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