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Polifonica Chamber Choir


The Polifonica Choir joins about 30 elements who have a vast experience in choral singing. The Choir cultivates a diverse repertoire, and its members become acquainted with a wide range of choral music genres by classical and contemporary composers. Polifonica has united people of different professions and different levels of musical preparation. Being a welcome guest in Minsk, the Choir also undertakes international tours. Its performance won both critical and the public acclaim. Also Polifonica won the II Prize at the International Advent Music Festival in Prague in 2012. The latest events for the Polifonica choir are the fact we have won the III Prize at the International Choral Competition in Derry, Northern Ireland in October 2013 and the III Prize at the International Competition in Milazzo, Sicily in July 2017.


Pavel Shepelev

Our conductor Pavel Shepelev was born in 1975 in Minsk. In 1982 he entered music school at the Belarusian State Conservatory and finished it with honors in 1993 in specialty choir conducting. After graduation in 1998 he continued his education and in 1999 received Master’s degree under tenure of Professor V. Rovdo. Since 2010 Pavel Shepelev has been conducting the Honoured formation of The Academic choir of the National Belarusian TV and Radio Company of the Republic of Belarus. Apart from basic creative work of fund recordings he took active part in concerts both in Minsk, across the country and outside the Republic of Belarus. At present Pavel Shepelev is a head of the boys’ chapel of the Republican gymnasium and college at the Belarusian State Academy of Music and a conductor of Polifonica Chamber Choir.


一般社団法人 東京国際合唱機構














一般社団法人 日本合唱指揮者協会


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