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Mixed Choir MASKA


Mixed choir “MASKA”, founded in 2000 by its conductor Jānis Ozols is one of the best mixed amateur choirs in Latvia. The choir is unique by its ability to perform not only in the frame of classical music, but also introduce creative innovations. “MASKA” is proud of its success and high achievements over time. Since early days the choir has shown outstanding results in international competitions, the most recent of which are: 1st Prize at the national choir competition at the 26th Latvian Nationwide Singing festival, 2018; 1st Prize at Category “Basque and Popular Music” and 2nd Prize at “Polyphony” in 49th International Tolosa Choral Competition, 2017; Grand Prix at the 15th International Choir Festival and Competition “Tallinn 2017”, Estonia. An essential part of the choir’s repertoire is compositions written by Laura Jekabsone – choir-master of “Maska”, world-wide known as a composer and leader of the vocal group “Latvian Voices”. The choir also collaborates with world known composers and musicians like Vytautas Miškinis, Part Uusberg, Vestards Šimkus, Rihards Zaļupe and the “XylemTrio”, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra and many others.


Jānis Ozols

Jānis Ozols (1980) is one of the well-recognized and promising conductors in Latvia, Artistic Director of the “International Baltic Sea Choir Competition”. Janis acquired his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music in the class of choir conducting with the professors Sigvards Klava and Janis Zirnis. During 2013 and 2014 Janis Ozols studied symphony orchestra conducting at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Janis takes active role in the field of academic music in Latvia. He is the conductor and artistic director of the mixed choir of Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music, mixed choirs “Maska” and “PaSaulei, organizes the “International Baltic Sea Choir Competition”in Jurmala, Latvia. He has reached notable achievements and won many prizes in Latvia and abroad with mixed choirs “Maska” and “PaSaulei”, as well attained many “Best Conductor” prizes at international choir competitions. He is often often invited as a jury member to international choir and singer contests.


一般社団法人 東京国際合唱機構














一般社団法人 日本合唱指揮者協会



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