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Female choir Forward


In 1998, Female choir Forward was formed in Kawasaki city, Kanagawa. The group name comes from the choral song that the member sang in high school days. They have received guidance from Tatsuaki Iwamoto, Yosuke Mashimo and Naoto Kosugi. The members are in their twenties to forties, and usually practice between their works and child care. Since many members are mothers, children's voices overflow while they practice. They mainly participate in the MUZA KAWASAKI Citizen Choral Festival being held every year. They won a third prize called Niigata Nippo Award at the 11th National "Bride Doll" Chorus Competition. They commissioned Noritaka Moriyama to compose pieces for female chorus and first performed "Donokotobayorimo (Than Any Words)” and "Kodo (Beating)". They also participate in Recording of KYOIKU-SHUPPAN High School Music Textbook Compliant CD for model performance requested from Universal Music LLC since 2016.


Yosuke Mashimo

Yosuke Mashimo was born in 1977. He started chorus from high school, and in his years at Waseda University, he joined in various choirs and also served as a student conductor. Participating as a member of choirs directed by Shin Sekiya, Keiiti Simizu, Akira Shimizu and Tatsuaki Iwamoto, he also enrolled as an assistant conductor after graduating university. Currently, he conducts at several choirs around Tokyo and Kanagawa. He acquired a diploma in Hungary at "Cantemus International Choir Festival" Conductor Master Class in 2004. He is a member of Japan Choral Directors Association.


一般社団法人 東京国際合唱機構














一般社団法人 日本合唱指揮者協会



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