Qualifying round 2018
The deadline of application for the 1st Tokyo International Choir Competition had passed on Dec. 31.
Thank you very much for MANY application, that number has greatly exceeded than our expectation.
From now on, we are going to the qualifying round, it means the judgment of the delivered audio sources.
The results of the qualifying round is decided by the TICC artistic committee.
The number of entries, the number of qualifiers etc. are as follows;
The number of entries: 137 choirs (50 from overseas and 87 from Japan)
The number of entries for each category: 232 choirs
The headcount of entries: 4,010 people
The number of entries and the number of acceptable choirs

This qualifying round is doing behind closed doors.
The committee of TICC cannot accept any questions about this qualifying round.
The results of the qualifying round will be announced by the end of January on this website.